WP Rocket

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WP Rocket
WP Rocket
Improve speed up to 4x
Reduces load times by 50%

Caching is an essential component of any blog. It can be network intensive if not optimized correctly, thus slowing down your blog, especially during peak traffic hours. Though there are many caching plugins available that help to optimize your blog’s performance by using your system’s memory and browser cache, In this WP Rocket review stands out as one of the most advanced WordPress caching plugins available today.

WP Rocket Overview?

Unlike other free plugins like W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache, WP Rocket offers more than just basic caching, also optimizing your site for use with CDNs (content delivery networks) like MaxCDN or CloudFlare by including page load views in their statistics, enabling you to pinpoint which aspects of your site need to be optimized. In our article review, we did analysis multiple aspect of this plugin and compare performance difference.

The benefits of using it?

It is a beginner-friendly WordPress caching and also efficiency optimization plugin that guarantees to “make WordPress load quickly in a couple of clicks”.

We tested some sites with slower shared hosting with uncompressed lots image, those site benefit the most from load time 12.1s to 3.42s. Almost website speed by 4x.

Site Speed Test

At the moment being used by 700K+ sites, it enhances your site loading time by:

  • Minification – shrinks the overall size of your site’s code by eliminating unnecessary content, like whitespace, without modifying the code’s functionality.
  • Put together data – does what it claims! Incorporates several files (like several CSS files) right into a single file.
  • Eliminate question strings – gets rid of queries strings, to boost your GTmetrix rating.
  • Render-blocking CSS/JS – does what it claims as well as assists you get rid of the famous “Render blocking” warning in Google PageSpeed Insights.
  • Careless Loading – speeds up your site by just loading particular media web content once it goes into the visitor’s viewport. Basically, your website will not fill pictures and/or videos up until absolutely required.
  • Easy CDN combinations – assists you hook up to CDNs like Cloudflare as well as origin draw CDNs.
  • Database optimizer – lets you clean your database right from the plugin, instead of needing you to install a different plugin.
  • Heartbeat control – take control of the WordPress Heartbeat API.

WP Rocket Review Features

How much does WP Rocket cost?

However, I do believe it is worth your time and money and will be a worthwhile investment if you’re looking for the right way to speed up your WordPress website. On one hand, we need to realize that $49 is not much for creating a better user experience and making sure we’re creating websites faster as well as staying on top of the digital trends as this is how competitive online businesses operate these days. As such, simple math would show that

The plugin provides its users with much more than only saving them money. Time is also money – which makes me appreciate those features that could save me time when it comes to my workflow and ultimately provide a better user experience (for both the client and myself).

wp-rocket Pricing Table

1 Website: $49 per year
3 Website $99 per year
Unlimited Sites: $249 per year

Refund Policy
Each plan includes one year of support & updates. It’s worth pointing out that Renewals (if you still want support and updates after the first year) are 50% off, and if necessary you can get a refund within 14 Days of buying WP Rocket.

Is WP Rocket easy to use?

Wp Rocket is a great solution for those who want to squeeze out as much as they can from their existing web hosting, to make it as fast as possible. In other words, if you have a medium or even big traffic WordPress site, WP Rocket will make the site as fast as possible.

This plugin is best for both beginners and experienced users.

Final Thoughts

We all want to have optimized PSI scores on our websites. We all want them to load fast. We all want them to be crawled by Google. We all want them to load fast on mobile. We all want them to look great. And we all want them to be secure. But with all the design, development, and marketing elements to worry about, it can be overwhelming to think about how to make your website load fast.

If you’re on the fence about spending money on a plugin you still aren’t sure about, you can take advantage of their 14-day money back guarantee.

All in all, considering their features and user support, I’d highly recommend WP Rocket to anyone looking for a reliable WordPress caching plugin.

WP Rocket FAQs

What Is Wp Rocket?
Wp Rocket is a powerful cache plugin for WordPress, it speeds up your website by caching all your pages so the next visitor gets the content from the cache (server side) and not from your WordPress files. Once you activate WP Rocket, all your pages will be automatically cached. This allows your visitors to get your content (images, videos, texts, documents, etc.) much faster.

How good is Wp Rocket?
WP Rocket is one of the best cache plugins available. It is very easy to setup and handle. A good cache plugin makes a big difference to the speed of your website ,as most of the web traffic is coming these days from mobile and most of the mobile devices has very low internet speed and the most important and the most difficult challenge is to keep the website load within a second or 3 seconds .

It’s very difficult to achieve that with the hosting and it’s dedicated servers, but WP Rocket can easily achieve that with just a little bit of your effort. This plugin is very CPU and memory efficient and works great with most of the hostings and shared servers. It’s also very easy to use and very powerful. You can monitor and keep an eye on your website and check how it grows with positive WP Rocket review.

Does Wp Rocket Work?
Wp Rocket is a popular caching plugin for WordPress that uses an intelligent dynamic compression algorithm that aims to save your server bandwidth. So, does WP Rocket work? The answer is yes. It is battle tested and proven to boost your site speed by up to 4x.

Can’t Deactivate Wp Rocket ?
First of all, what you are describing is probably not a bug in WP Rocket, but rather in something that you are using in conjunction with it. I have not experienced any problems before, but don’t worry, it is easily solved.

Is Wp Rocket Free?
No, WP Rocket is not free. It is a premium plugin. But the premium version of wordpress has some premium plugin like Wp Rocket and Wp Super Cache. If you want to know more about Wp Rocket

How To Setup Wp Rocket?
Wp Rocket is quite popular plugin for WordPress. It is basically a caching plugin which speeds up your website. How to use it?

  • Get to wp-admin page > Plugins > Add New
  • Select the type as “Plugin” > Select Wp Rocket from the list.
  • Now you can just install & activate the plugin. If the plugin is active then it’ll show up to the left under “Installed Plugins” section.
  • Now go to WP Rocket settings page > Content Delivery.
  • You can see options like “Cache Preload”, “Feedback Polling”, “Cleanup” etc. You can enable options like “Cache Preload” & “Feedback Polling” by selecting “Yes” for both.

Is Wp Rocket Worth It ?
The money you spend on it is well worth it. Wp Rocket is a premium plugin that does its job very well from my test. So, I would recommend you to buy it.

However, there are many other good caching plugins available too so you will have to decide which one would work the best for your site. Also, there are free tools available. You can check the below article to see the one that works best for your site.

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